Health Sciences 1002A/B Midterm: Health Science Class Notes Midterm Semester 1.docx

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Lifestyle is a dominant discourse on health in north american, westernized societies; refers to the way that we speak/talk/represent issues (ex. Lifestyle/ biological discourse in health conflicts with causes of ill health are to do with environment lifestyle vs. health) Individualistic ideology: ideology is a set of ideas: social phenomena can be understood by individual or personal thought. Social: health and ill health are not distributed randomly, but vary according to economic factors and other social factors; richer countries live longer, more socially stable. It is historically contingent only during some parts of history; changing lifestyle" in 1970"s. You can treat individuals for individual symptoms and modify behaviour, however locating the health problem and treating the social conditions to promote health for entire groups and populations will help more. Perspective: mental outlook; way of seeing; point of view; relationship between view and that being viewed (education is an important factor) **always more than two sided- all perspectives have limits/boundaries.