Health Sciences 1002A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Globalization And Health, Labor Rights, Injustice 2

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Neoliberalism economic policies and ideology that advocate a free market for the production and distribution of resources, an enhanced role for the private sector and a reduction of government involvement in the economy. Enduring health disparities b/w more economically and less economically developed countries. Infant mortality and child mortality are good measures of sdh. Organizations such as the imf and wb have played a role in promoting economic injustice: child mortality. Gradients show child mortality in relation to the income quintiles. Data that shows declining rates of child mortality in the world fail to acknowledge the disparities b/w economically well of countries and less well developed countries. Some countries have childhood mortality rates that are higher than the world average: globalization. Political globalization spreads the idea of neoliberalism ideology, and is spread through actions of institutions such as the wb and imf. Cultural globalization is the spread of cultural objects and cultural ideas.