Health Sciences 1001A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Calisthenics, Depressant, High-Density Lipoprotein

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Answer: c: true or false: the primary function of vitamins is that they supply the body with energy. In order to consume an adequate protein intake, individuals must consume foods that are considered to be complete proteins. John goes to the gym 5x a week. He recently started doing more ______ to lose some eight and enhance his core: pa; exercise, pa; incidental pa, calisthenics; exercise, exercise; pa. Answer: a: one sunny day, bob decides to take a walk through a park to a local convenient tore. Which of the following is/are true: bob is engaging in passive transportation, bob is performing his exercise, the built environment does not impact bob s decision to walk, none of the above. Answer: d: the main site of alcohol metabolism is in the, small intestine, liver, stomach d)colon. Answer: b: alcohol is classified as an/a: a)depressant b)opiod derivative, narcotic d)stimulant.