History 2403E Study Guide - Final Guide: Industrial Revolution

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Napoleon summary: the napoleonic legend associated napoleon with the ideas of liberty. He was seen as a prophet who would do anything for national liberations from traditional monarchies: i disagree with the legend because any person with the power that napoleon did could have achieved what he did. As well the people who view napoleon as a prophet often overlook his failures: napoleon s fatal flaw was his thirst for power and territory. This led him into many battles of aggression, which bankrupt his country, as well as spun it into political chaos: the balance of power in europe was spread out at the end of the napoleonic era. Russia emerged as a great force and prussia became a powerful modern state. Austria continued to exist as a large empire that was at risk of fragmentation. The most powerful state to emerge from the defeat of. Britain had won the colonial rivalry with france and was rewarded significantly.