History 2403E Study Guide - Final Guide: Tennis Court Oath, Radical Change, Social Change

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The old regime: after louis xiv had struggle to centralize power, louis xiv left france heavily in debt. Causes of the french revolution: weak leadership, political weakness, lots unemployed, nobles against monarch as well. Constitutional monarchy: constitutional monarchy= political change, limited monarchy with constitutional checks, social change including nobles losing power, civil constitution of the clergy (swear oath to revolution over church, constitution of 1791. The french revolution and rights: women began to fight for and receive more rights. The terror: two major parties: jacobins and the girondins. Jacobins: support from city, more radical, wanted to execute king, girondins, wanted stability, support from countryside, not sure about king, king was executed further divided parties. Jacobins took over country in an authoritative manner using emergency decree: the justification for the terror was to attempt to destroy the internal enemies of the revolution and a response to fear.