History 2403E Final: The Spanish Inquisition Questions

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The spanish inquisition questions: the inquisition was movement within the spanish kingdom with the blessing of the pope, and king and queen of spain. Inquisition board to investigate and punish heresy within the spanish. King ferdinand believed it would strengthen the spanish state: people were encouraged to inform because priests issued an edict of faith ordering all christians to report heresy. As well informants were promised full secrecy and protection. Another reason some people became informants, was they were forced to under torture: the accused was held unable to talk to anyone in solitary. The accused was expected to pay for their bed and clothes. From there, there would be a trial where the accused was considered guilty and the burden of proving innocence was upon them. Though this was true, the members of the inquisition council knew that criminal law made burning at the stake mandatory for heretics.