History 2186A/B Final: FINAL EXAM GUIDE (lectures 2-10)

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In each place it destroys a large proportion of population e. g. city of venice lost 60% of population: 100 million died, went away for a short while, couple hundred, came back again in 1600s and struck in. 2- long-term preconditions: why is it these 3 diseases created such i(cid:374)te(cid:374)se pa(cid:374)i(cid:272)s a(cid:374)d othe(cid:396)s did(cid:374)"t e(cid:448)e(cid:374) if the(cid:455) were just as lethal, look at how the diseases themselves emerged. Disease was carried in scents and odours that emerged from fecal matter/waste/rotting bodies. Way you fight disease is the prevent the odours from getting into your body in the first place: poor people lived in stinky areas, so it was poor people, black death, cholera seemed to be consequences of poverty. If the poo(cid:396) (cid:449)e(cid:396)e (cid:272)lea(cid:374)e(cid:396) the(cid:374) the disease (cid:449)ould(cid:374)"t (cid:271)e sp(cid:396)ead so (cid:395)ui(cid:272)kl(cid:455) People could only respond to what they knew), knew there were divide forces controlling their world (disease spread because they were either enemies or gods.