History 2179- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 37 pages long!)

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Germany"s year of decision : new ofensive tacticss to be used on the western front. Central powers start to drop out: bulgaria, ottoman turkey. Wilson"s demand for germany democracy : a-h: battle of vitorio veneto. Germany"s year of decision new ofensive tactics to be used on western front. Germany can move troops from east to west. The two front war is over, ah has seem to have won at every front. We go into this psychologically thinking that the germans are going to win, the germans are going to lose shock of their defeat. They were clearly winning and then they lost. Russia will be out of the war, the submarines are still working but not as efectively. New ofensive tactics new because they have already been tried. A lot of it is being observant and realizing what diferent armies have done. Ludendorf is good at changing the german army in ofensive ways, in little ine tuning ways.