History 2147A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mein Kampf, Beer Hall Putsch, Otto Strasser

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Herman goering: head of the luftwaffe and office of the 4 year plan. Heinrich himmler: head of ss, architect of the holocaust. Reinhard heydrich: head of rsha, himmler"s right hand man. Nsdap: national socialist german workers party (nazi party) Sa: sturmabteiling (brown shirts) (older than the ss, the thugs of the nazi party) Speculation comes from a third possibility that alois hitler"s father could have been jewish however there has never been any evidence that shows this. Adolf hitler wrote mein kampf which circumvents his ideology in a series of rambling. Outlines a blueprint for germany and europe, his word is absolute law in germany, ultimate authority rested on him. Alfred rosenberg wrote the myth of the 20th century, emerges as the nazi partys original ideologue. Out casted quickly and increasingly sidelined as he was not an effective politician, he never wields a lot of power.