History 2145A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Reichstag Fire Decree, Gustav Ritter Von Kahr, Reichstag Building

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18 Oct 2013

Document Summary

And clearly state the historical significance (why?) of each. 10 of these will appear on the exam, from which you will choose five to answer. Who: he was a bolshevik revolutionary, and a marxist theorist. He helped organize the 1917 october revolution along with lenin. During the soviet union he was a people s commissar for foreign affairs (was responsible for negotiating diplomatic treaties, handling soviet foreign affairs, and leading the creation of communism, and anti-imperialism) and later built up the red army. There is terror going on with trotsky and lenin nobody will speak up. Russia begun to steer away from a marxist/communistic government so stalin came in and said, i can provide communism. lenin and trotsky oppose stalin. Begins to travel to speak out against lenin, leads a failed struggle against. Stalin removed him from power because of his opposition, deported to a concentration camp where he still created problems by opposing stalinist bureaucracy.