History 1810E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Keles, Chryselephantine Sculpture, Ambracia

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21 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Rivals between festivals and city states: olympics for macedonians set up based of mount olympos and modeled games after. Olympics: sybaris tried to eclipse olympics, offered huge cash prizes to lure best athletes but it didn"t work. Political friction: at the stephanitic games many concerning the city state administering the games, eleans gave them a fine but they refused to pay and were exlcluded from the. Spartan conflict: elean excommunication of lakedaimonians influenced by athenian-spartan conflict. In 448 spartans dominated tethrippon for next 8 olympiads: 1st non spartan winner in 436 (megakles of athens) tethrippon winners had a particular aura they were wealthy in 416 olympiad alkibiades entered 7 chariots and broke stranglehood of. Battle in altis: during olympia games in 364, arkadians captured olympia year before, when it was time for the games the eleans invaded the sanctuary and pushed.