History 1810E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Stout, Nationstates, Unification Of Germany

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19 Mar 2018

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Force publique(cid:495) to mask and seem like the public force: )f a village didn(cid:495)t meet the quota, the force publique would burn the village. Shark island on the coast where the survival rate was 20% Enthusiasm for empire in the 19th and 20th centuries. Corsica: spain: strongest regional traditions, basque country (on french-spanish border), andalusia, asturias, expulsion of jews, moors; the spanish decided who was to be in the. In the context of the french revolution, after the death of the king, many other. The napoleonic wars: britain: victoria cross- like iron cross. John bull- a national personification of great britain in general and england in particular, especially in political cartoons and similar graphic works. He is usually depicted as a stout, middle-aged man, often wearing a union flag waistcoat: britannia. Jack tar- a common english term used to refer to seamen of the merchant or royal. Navy, particularly during the period of the british empire.