History 1810E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Social Darwinism, Nuremberg Laws, Sept

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19 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Nazi germany: adolf hitler (1889-1945) became the leader of the national socialist german. Bismark"s foundation: he instilled the idea of the (cid:498)volk(cid:499) 1933 on jewish business: the nuremburg laws in sept, 1935 took the task of defining who was a jew. Some people who lived their lives as christians found out that they were jews according to the nazis. Jews are then excluded from jobs, business, intermarriage. Belzec: at the end of the war, they marched many jews pointlessly without food or water, 11 million were dead, roughly 6 million jews killed and 5 million others and 3 million soviet prisoners of war. Other cases: yugoslavia, serbs (eastern orthodox, bosnians (muslim, croats (catholic, the sudan- the darfur genocide, baggara/arabs (muslim, black africans. In order for nationalism to be good it must be inclusive. If it is exclusive it is almost always destructive.