History 1810E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Origins Game Fair, Physiognomy, Quinine

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19 Mar 2018

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Darwinism as science vs. other views of the world: a bi-product of this is the notion that darwinism has science on its side, the scopes monkey trial is a good example in tennessee. Term (cid:498)scramble for africa(cid:499) coined by a british newspaper referring to the scramble for control of the countries in africa by european powers. China is subjected to european domination, although never colonized. Historians sometimes focus on the impact of imperialism in europe. In 1880, most of africa as free of european domination; by 1914 it was dominated by western european countries such as france, belgium, portugal, britain etc Intellectual/scientific/technological origins: biological determinism- people came to believe, at the time, that everything was determined by their biology, so if europeans conquer africans, they are biologically superior to the. The british killed over 11000 sudanese troops and lost 48 soldiers. The british had the maxim gun and other military technologies that gave them a huge technological advantage.