History 1810E- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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The thirty year war thesis: wwii as a continuation of wwi, german hegemony/power, treaty of versailles created new problems. Interwar years and danger of teleology: league of nations as a failure, can make a counter argument about european recovery in 1920s. Making peace part i: paris peace conference: started badly, reparations, war guilt, new boundaries, german minorities, article 231, germany excluded from conference. John maynard keynes: the economic consequences of the peace(1920) Ideal of failed peace; punitive peace: us did not ratify the tov or join the lon, hope and fear, etienne montu wrote rebuttle to keyes. International relations were tense conflicted: no one wanted to return to war wwi had scared many people, paris was the on chance to get it right they did(cid:374)"t thought peace was a process. Integrationist logic: bring germany back into the family of europe. Locarno 1925: treaty of mutual guarantee of borders for france-germany and belgium-germany.