Geography 2144A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Destination Anywhere, Inuit Art, Niche Market

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Tourism is the gateway to discovery, not so much of space and place as it is of self as defined by and reflected within those spaces and places. Give me a ticket for an aeroplane the letter: be in a specific place that has meaning to me, travel is meaningful or its not. Go anywhere, i don"t care where after end of a relationship. Mental state for travel is a specific place that resonates with us or it"s a generic space that means its not the mental space that you are inhabiting (somewhere else fast) Tourism is the active utilization of gateways of discovery to expand one"s engagement with the world! Travel introduces us to specific places that are no longer generic spaces (not just the beach, but your personal favorite beach: meaning to you for a life definition. Gateways to discovery: your experience, past, online text, class, future. We come from a range of experiences all are different.