Geography 2144A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fawlty Towers, Grand Bend, Inuksuk

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The role of the host is to be welcoming and inviting. When analyzing tourism, nobody looks at the hosts point of view as a separate entity, instead just focus on tourism as a business. Tourists: putting on a show, having what will attract people to come to you, example, going to mexico and staying at an american chain hotel. Authentic cultural heritage: everything is normal, example: going to england and getting a traditional meal. When the season is over, what is left: if you are the host, during the off months you are bored, everything is closed. In a tourist community the main jobs involve the tourism industry: short-term low paying jobs that usually attract women and young people, tends to be people who aren"t local. Different type of host communities: example: getting a job at your cottage for the summer.