Geography 2144A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Swot Analysis, Eiffel Tower, The Dakota

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Every tourist attraction fits into one of the three categories. Identify 3 attractions in an area: public, not for profit, private. How are they similar and different w. r. t: advertising, price, types of visitors, service quality. Pick an attraction from one of the gateways, do a swot analysis. Intermediate: accessible distance to users, more natural then artificial: resource dependent / nature based, camping, hiking, swimming, hunting, fishing. Resource based: natural resources with minimal low-intensity development, resource determines activity, skiing, hiking, climbing. Indigenous: example: at any national airport in canada you can find inuit art, beavers and. Maple syrup: this is part of ca(cid:374)ada"s (cid:272)ulture. It is how we want to portray to visitors. Initial early population settlement pushed into frontier of country: every country starts with developed and has resort frontier, example: navy pier industrial landscape of shipping and production. Immigrant: most areas have a colonial and immigrant component to them, example: boston irish, example: toronto china town, greek town.