Geography 2144A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Giorgio Morandi

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All tourism is experienced differently by each individual. Travel allows us to discover the best of who we are. To learn we must reflect and understand the meaning of our experience. Travel can be: intentional, example: the letter (give me a ticket for an aeroplane, accidental, example: destination anywhere (east or west i don"t care) Our mental state for travel is either a specific place or a general space. When people travel for a short time, they get to try a new sense of who they might be. Travel is a state of mind, it is entirely an inner experience. A specific place is a unique destination that resonates with us: example: favorite hotel, favorite country, favorite restaurant. A general space is a popular tourist type destination: example: beaches, golf courses, ski hills. All tourism is experienced, and those experiences are different for every person.