Geography 2131A/B Final: GEO-2131B-Lecture-Notes

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Homoshpere: uniform composition: constant gases, variable gases, impurities. Constant gas: nitrogen is the main component in our atmosphere (78%, there is around 21% oxygen wherever you go on earth, argon levels around 1, these 3 gases make up 99% of atmosphere. Variable gas: carbon dioxide, water vapour, ozone, variable gases are important for greenhouse effect, precipitation and blocking uv radiation. Contents of the atmosphere: impurities: important for cloud development and insolation. **q: which of the following only include factors that effect global variations in temperature: a: latitude, altitude and cloud cover. Energy transfer mechanisms: scattering is the reason why the sky is blue. Selective scattering is when radiation scatters more strongly at some wavelengths than at others. Only the small particles are being intercepted like blue/purple light smaller wavelengths. Photons of light from the sun hitting the particles in the atmosphere. Non-selective scattering occurs by photons intercepting bigger particles (impurities/water vapour).