Geography 2090A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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Interstellar: ties into modern discussion of space exploration. If the (cid:449)o(cid:396)ld is(cid:374)(cid:859)t ha(cid:271)ita(cid:271)le a(cid:374)(cid:455)(cid:373)o(cid:396)e the(cid:374) (cid:449)e go to spa(cid:272)e: travel through worm holes bend space time jumping from point a b. If you get close to a star you can experience a time dilation where time operates slower: total recall. Jupiter c was a precursor to saturn which got us to the moon. Entering space: first object in space sometimes the nazi a4 rocker in oct. 1942 reached 85kms which is the point at which nada considers astronauts to have reached space. Radiation belts: at some point, all radiation hits the shield and radiation belts form, magnetic field size = radiation belt size, rb = bands of energetic electrons and protons, held in place by the magnetosphere. Where are we now: since the planets (3. 9 billion years ago) earth has undergone geological transformations, snowball earth, dinosaurs, asteroid, human life.