Geography 1400F/G Midterm: culture

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Culture typically refers to the way of life and the members of a society. Cultural acts as a barrier world scale & people. Our world is divided, bcz of spatial variations in culture. The human ability to develop ideas from experiences. Human created invented, practiced, changed, maintained. Dynamic and constant change vs. tradition, open to change. Plurality: many cultures within and across society. Overlap: sub-cultures overlap creating still other sub-cultures. Medium of expression: everything humans know, use, or identity about humanity; about culture. Spatial: how space is used, arranged or identity by people reveals culture: space is a medium of cultural expression. Political: cultural expressions are sites of struggle". Battleground issues in culture wars": relative but contestable, relativity fair interpretations; similar but different, contestable not every way of doing or thinking" is acceptable, critical thought. Mentifacts (non-material): mental or non physical elements of culture (language, religion) Sociofacts (non-material): most directly concerned with interpersonal relations (rules, family)