Geography 1400F/G Midterm: globalization

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Globalization= the increasing interconnectedness of people and places through converging process of economic, political, and cultural change: the process of reducing barriers, an accelerating set of processes. 3 key points: refers to processes . Interconnection btw spaces and people: coming together of business & states, prediction: global village + cultural + homogenized world. Other aspects of globalization: cultural: information, education, media, lifestyle, homogenous global culture replacing many local cultures, political: institutions, power blocs, democracy, wars, environmental: global ecosystem, global pollution, pandemics, conservation movements & politics. 2 major forces: technology change, global capitalism. What"s new about the current global economy: scales of activities, speed of revolution/technology. Integration: globalized market, consumer products & larger participants, new global division of labour. More open and integrated in the past 50 yrs than today. Main actors: transnational corporations, the state, labour, consumers, regulatory institutions, social groups, these actors form a network at different organizational and geographic scales.