Geography 1400F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Distance Decay, Spatial Analysis, Human Geography

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What is geography: geo ( the world) graphei ( to write , to write about the world, description of the world. Gritzner: what is where (knowing location of things), why (why they are where they are) there and why care (what we can do about it) Three themes of human geography: relations between humans and land: Human world is changing and it is the product of human beings to modify the pre-existing conditions. Interested in landscape and what it means to live in it: regional analysis: Divide large areas into smaller areas that exhibit a degree of unity. Building on long tradition, contemporary human geography considers regions at a wide range of scales global and local. Reveals the importance of place in all aspects of our lives. Divide world into regions that have similarity: spatial analysis: Human world requires that we explain location (why things are where they are)