Geography 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Infant Mortality

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One is a rate one is a bare number. Birth rate (or crude birth rate)- number of births per 1000 people in a country or region in a given year. Death rate (or crude death rate)- number of deaths per 1000 people in a country or region in a given year. Age-dependency ratio- the ratio between the number of dependent people in a population (less then 15 years old and more then 64 years old) and the number of working age people. Age- dependency ratio= (number of dependent people/number of working age people) Dependency load-the percentage of a population that is younger than 15 and older then. Dependency load=(number of dependent people/total population) x 1000. Emigration rate- number of people leaving an area in a giver year per 1000. Emigration rate= (number of people leaving area/population) x 1000. Total fertility rate- average number of children born over the lifetime of a fertile woman in a particular country.