Foods and Nutrition 1021 Study Guide - Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Portal Vein, Mpra Language

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> the body"s first choice for energy needs. > used as glucose or stored as glycogen. > milk and alternatives (eg. milk, yogurt, but not cheese) > starchy vegetables (eg. potatoes, peas, corn, squash) > sweets/desserts (eg. cookies, chips, ice cream, cake) > 1 slice whole grain bread, 6 tortilla, 1/2 hotdog or hamburger bun. > 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup sweetened yogurt. > 1 small fresh fruit, 1/2 a medium banana, 12-15 grapes. > essential cho - main source of energy for brain & nerves. > part of lactose (milk sugar); freed during digestion. > cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, gums, mucilages, nonpolysaccharide lignin. > storage form of cho in liver & muscles in humans and animals. Starch & fibre -> 3 or more polymers. > critical energy source for the brain & nerves. > choose nutrient dense (eg. fruits and milk) vs. empty-calorie. > canada"s food guide: whole grains, fruit, starchy veggies, milk.