Foods and Nutrition 1021 Final: CHAPTERS 1-15

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Document Summary

What are the dangers of media: case study. Advertorials, anecdotal evidence, infomercials, urban legends: valid nutrition information, from scientific research findings, credible internet sites (. gov, . edu, appropriate credentials- rd, public health dietitian, registered dietitian (rd) America: other examples: great britain, caribbean, puerto rico, u. s, also lifestyle/disease specific food guides that are available are vegetarian and diabetes. System using the exchange concept: beyond the basics: meal planning guide for healthy. Eating, diabetes prevention and management: carbohydrate group: 1 carbohydrate choice contains about 15 grams of available carbohydrate, starch, fruit; milk: non-fat, reduced fat, whole; other carbohydrates; vegetables, meat and alternatives (protein group, meat: very lean, lean, medium-fat, high-fat. Intolerance (lack of enzyme for digestion: aversion (multiple reasons) Chapter 2 and 3 controversies: chapter 2 controversy: phytochemicals, phytochemicals in vegetables and fruits, allicin- garlic; diadzein, genistein- soybeans; flavonoids- apples, blueberries, black tea, green tea; lignans- flaxseed; limonene- citrus fruit; lycopene- tomatoes; phenolic acid- strawberries;