Foods and Nutrition 1021 Study Guide - Final Guide: Degenerative Disease, Caffeine, Maltose

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Case study individuals, treatment and apparent effect. Intervention study population, experimental manipulation and observation. Laboratory study tightly controlled conditions to determine cause and effect. Phagocytes scavenger cells first to defend body against invaders. T-cells read and remember identity of invaders, defend. Omega-3 linolenic, used to make epa and dha. Dna serves as the template to make mrna mrna has the instructions to make proteins. Ribosomes protein-making machinery of the cell trna collects aa from body and brings them to mrna. Electrolytes compounds that partly dissociate in water to form ions. Training regular practice of an activity; leads to physical adaptations of the body. Exercise planned, structured, vigorous, repetitive bodily movement that promotes or maintains physical fitness. Infectious disease caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, can be transmitted. Degenerative disease chronic, irreversible, characterized by degeneration of body organs. Emphasize cereals, bread, other grains, fruit, vegetables. Choose lower fat dairy, leaner meat, foods prepared with little or no fat.