Film Studies 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Morgan Freeman, Diegesis, Flashforward

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Film form and narrative form (weeks 3 & 4) week 3, sept 18th: chapter 2 week 4, sept 25th: Classical hollywood narration (week 5, oct 2) 97-99. Editing (weeks 7-9) week 7, oct 16th: 218-32; week 8, oct 23rd: 232-55, 406-10; week 9, People often think of form as the opposite of content ; however every component functions as part of pattern, big or small, that engages the viewer. What we might call the content is governed by the film s formal context. In general, surprise is a result of an expectation that is revealed to be incorrect. Comedy often depends on cheating expectations and creating surprise. Sometimes a film will cue us to think about what might have come before the start of the film. In other words, f. m. can arouse curiosity about earlier events. The f. m. may choose to disturb our expectations, using conflict tensions and shock. Experimental films may jar people instead of soothe them.