Film Studies 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Italian Neorealism, French Impressionist Cinema, French New Wave

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Film exam study notes (2 nd half of term 2) Chapter 11: conventional film history evolutions, masterpieces and periodization. Evolutionary movie histories establish points of origin that is, movies or events that mark the beginnings of cinema. There are three kinds of historical origins commonly identifies with early cinema: the technological origins, artistic origins, and economic origins. The lumieres rehected the peephole technology of the kinetoscope to project movies for public viewings. On march 22, 1895, the brothers showed workers leaving the lumiere factory. This was the beginning of cinema history proper. According to this perspective, cinematic images are foreshadowed in cave drawings, egyptian hieroglyphics, and stories found on tapestries. These images reflect the creativity of individuals and societies and provide the pleasures of seeing human history re-created in pictures and words. Since the rise of a middle class in the eighteenth century, art, entertainment, and technology have had an important economic dimension.