English 2033E Study Guide - Self-Denial, Nanny, Social Reality

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Edwardian, primarily, but anne set in more victorian era, at least residues there in marilla"s emphasis on propriety in initial chapters. Brought up my grandparents so older parents belong to montgomery herself. Self sacrifice of anne at end parallel to montgomery. Barnardo children as historical reality (british philanthropist arranged for adoption of a hundred thousand children. Were hoards of children put through ringer of charity. Acquired and accumulated in england then sent to homes. In recent years have been apologise to these children and their decedents. Virtually all exploited as cheap farm labour was not unusual to see the children as a cheap pool of labour) anne has been used as a nanny for mrs. thomas and hammond. Her education has been as skimpy as her dresses. Did not go to school too busy taking care of hammonds 3 sets of twins. Social reality and montgomery"s humorous take on it. Interesting bit of xenophobia that marilla wants a canadian-born child.