Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Unidroit, Habitual Residence, Pro Se Legal Representation In The United States

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5. 1 should be informed of the procedure for response and the possibility of default judgment for failure to make timely response (handing in notice to defendant that they"ve been served) Criminal: language used is one that defendants understand. 5. 3 there should be prompt notice of motions and applications of other parties. 5. 4 both parties have right to submit right to law. 5. 5 a party should have a fair opportunity and reasonably adequate time to respond (applies to judge) 5. 6 parties should have equal opportunities to address substantial issues. 5. 7 the parties may, by agreement and with approval of the court, employ expedited means of communications, such as telecommunication. 5. 8 an ex parte order should be proportionate to the interest. The statement of claim is served on the. A legal entity must be served at its head defendant by the court. office, while an individual must be served. 2 weeks to indicate defence at his or her place of domicile.