Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: United Nations General Assembly, World Trade Organization, Contract

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Not legally binding, generally happen before judicial means. Legally binding decision by a third party (court or tribunal), i. e. pca, icsid, wto, They can deal with substantive different issues and different actors (i. e. states or international organizations). States may bring the same case under different courts or tribunals. Arbitration allows parties to determine the procedures, the applicable laws, the time limit, the rights, the grounds of appeal. The principal judicial organ of the un, based in the hague. Advisory jurisdiction and contentious jurisdiction: advisory: on any legal question, unga, unsc, or any other un specialized organs. Wall ao, legality on nuclear weapons ao, kosovo ao, chagos ao. The court may only answer the question that is put. Advisory opinions are not binding: contentious: cases must concern a dispute between states (no against a company nor individual, but against a state). For a very long time, a dispute was defined as a disagreement about facts of law.