Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Natural Justice, Summa Theologica, Distributive Justice

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It provides a name for the point of intersection between law and morals . Unquestionable tension between what is and what ought to be. For plato the fundamentals of ethics lay in absolute values that things could emulate. For plato an absolute value is justice which has an inherent connection to law, justice is a universal value that transcends local customs or conventions. Aristotle sought to discover values by the application of reason. Aristotle the source is to be found in our human nature. Aristotle said the natural world contains stability and change. Aristotle said we are social animals, in order to flourish we require family and social groups. Aristotle said we are also political animals, the state exists in nature. Aristotle suggest that justice describes two different ideas. Distributive justice and political justice: general justice, when we are wholly virtuous in all matters relating to others, particular justice, treating other fairly or equitable.