Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Comity, Bartolus De Saxoferrato, Baldus De Ubaldis

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Very famous "nobody is a lawyer if not a follower of bartolus"". He gave his opinion on the conflicts of laws which can be found in the commentary on the first part of the codex. Whether a certain statute applies or not we have to pay attention to the words of the custom. 20th century american theories: special mandatory rules: are rules which apply irrespective of the otherwise applicable law. He published a commentary on the customs of bretagne ( Brittany) then he gave his opinion on the conflicts of law in his commentary which was dealing with the law of succession: different types of statutes ( developed by bertrand d"argentre) Statuta personalia: dealing with persons [ it exclusively could work extraterritorial] Statuta mixta: a mix scope- only applied in the territory of the legislator where he enacted/codified the statuta mixta. Wrote a commentary on c 1. 1. 1: published his opinion and defended the extraterritorial applications of several types of statuta.