Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Apoteket, European Union Competition Law, Legal Monopoly

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Principles: production monopolies: no discrimination, trade monopolies: non discrimination, services monopolies: no discrimination & no restriction. Condition 3: monopoly"s marketing and advertising measures must be impartial and independent of the origin of the products and must endeavour to make known new products to consumers . If you do not fulfil internal market criteria, you automatically do not fulfil the conditions for justifications under competition law. 109 : not really needed but not useless; it is a reference provision, directed at ms (as opposed to directed at undertakings, which is the case for competition law) 1: absolute competition approach: all monopolies, by nature, are wrong and should be abolished under eu law, limited competition approach: in principle, monopolies are wrong, but you can justify them. The development of trade must not be affected to such an extent as would be contrary to the interests of the union (ecj c-475/99 ambulanz.