Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hm Treasury, Limited Liability Partnership, Legal Personality

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Freedom of establishment throughout europe for natural and legal persons. Article 49 tfeu: restrictions on freedom of establishment of nationals of ms prohibited; including right to set up company. Freedom for companies includes: freedom of establishment throughout eu by legal person duly established, new business set-up, freedom of migration of legal person after incorporation from ms a to ms b, existing company moving abroad. Company matters governed by law of country where administration office" (centre of management and control) is situated. If you have all business in a certain ms, your company has to be registered in that ms. Any time you enter our country with intention to conduct business while making use of limited liability companies or other legal persons, you should make use of a legal person provided for under our national law . Reasonableness": applicable law is that of country to which company is most closely connected.