Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Statistical Classification, Substantive Law, Eu Three

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Substantive law - free movement of goods - j. rijpma. [ check this out :new council dec coming out - brexit ] They can specialise in what they are best at. Premised on situation of perfect competition and no-state intervention. U + central authority responsible to parliament: full union = complete unification. We have a monetary union but no a common monetary union. 14 ec: the internal market shall comprise an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of good, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of the treaties. Positive integration = harmonization of national laws, regulation , centralized model. Negative integration = deregulatory, ( regulatory gap , mutual recognition, descentralized model ( non-discrimination, market access, competitive federalism) 1 of 4: free movement of goods i ( duties, charges and taxes ) = financial restriction. [ - a tax not per se a financial restriction because art 110 prohibits only discriminatory taxes ]