Economics 3364A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bedsit

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Keep out strangers and keep out the landlord. lord templeman. Unless the landlord is exercising limited rights (e. g. to view and repair). Leaseholder has the rights of the owner of the land (lease = temporary owner) subject to certain restrictions. Licence = have consent of the owner, but no property rights in the land: mere personal permission, prevents the occupier from being a trespasser, e. g. staying in a hotel, limits rights and remedies. The rents acts (1977): tenant could get protection, but a licensee couldn"t, made eviction difficult, also included rent control provisions. Housing acts 1988 and 1996: phased out the rents acts, some security for tenants and not licensees, some statutory advantages to being a tenant. Lease can be transferred to another person by the tenant. Lease can bind a transferee of the landlord if the landlord sells the property onto someone new. Identifying exclusive possession: form of agreement, substance of agreement (behaviour of parties).