Economics 2124A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Microsoft Powerpoint, Hans Rosling

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18 year old orphan living in the slum of india slum household individuals living. Un defines lacking durable housing, sufficient living space, easy access safe water, sanitation or security. Only 10% land owned by people, rest owned by the government. Charging water for a even a higher price after the shutdown of the water line. Problems of slums sanitation, living conditions, water etc. O(cid:374)l(cid:455) (cid:449)a(cid:455) to fi(cid:454) the (cid:858)pro(cid:271)le(cid:373)(cid:859) (cid:894)u(cid:374)safe li(cid:448)i(cid:374)g (cid:272)o(cid:374)ditio(cid:374)s(cid:895) is to tear everything down, which is hard to do (cid:894)(cid:272)a(cid:374)(cid:859)t tear e(cid:448)er(cid:455)thi(cid:374)g do(cid:449)(cid:374) have to re-home people, getting people wanting to go etc. ) Looks at development in a different way (cid:862)ne(cid:449) i(cid:374)sights o(cid:374) po(cid:448)ert(cid:455)(cid:863) Questio(cid:374) (cid:449)ill (cid:271)e (cid:374)ear the e(cid:374)d of the (cid:448)ideo (cid:449)here there(cid:859)s a po(cid:449)erpoi(cid:374)t slide. Means most important - economic growth.