Earth Sciences 1089F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Hadean, Igneous Textures, Petrifaction

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Geology provides insight to the inner workings of our natural world. How does geology in uence art: materials, aesthetics- earth"s materials and physical features inspire artistic expression, unusual environmental circumstances- rare geological events in uenced artists on a subconscious level. Geology- the science that pursues an understanding of planet earth. Hopi creation story (northern arizona: the world was endless space and only the creator, taiowa existed, the world had no shape, from the endless space, matter created solid worlds. The singularity contained in nite mass and density and no volume. For unknown reasons, the singularity exploded and the universe expanded. Photons (particles of energy) were transformed into fundamental particles that formed atoms. Within the milky way, the rst knot-like gas clouds called nebulae were formed, within them were the. Stars can produce heavy elements from light elements. Larger stars can produce elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. Our sun was preceded by at least two supernova events.