Earth Sciences 1086F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cosmic Microwave Background, Nebular Hypothesis, Big Bang

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In all chapters words in bold are vocabulary words you should know for the exams. You will not be asked to memorize numerical facts (e. g. the density of jupiter), but you should be aware of general characteristics (e. g. jupiter is a gas planet and is less dense than earth). The following document outlines the information from each chapter most likely to be tested: Big bang created space and time when this singularity got too high all physics broke down, so time and space had a finite beginning. Chapter 1: big bang theory: define hypothesis, theory, and law. What are the differences between them: hypothesis: educated guess, theory: summarizes hypothesis that was supported by testing and isn"t guaranteed to be true. Space telescope, sound, light, doppler shift/effect, hubble law (v=hod), 2: list all the bold terms, light year, trigonometric parallax, hertzprung-russel, intrinsic brightness, apparent brightness, cepheids, andromeda, hubble law, local group, triagulum galaxy, orion arm.