Disability Studies 2202A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Developmental Disability, Spina Bifida, Antibody

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The five characteristics of the definition of a developmental disability in ontario are: originates prenatally until 18 years of age. Results in functional limitations in 3 or more areas. Some examples of developmental disabilities include spina bifida, cerebral palsy, learning. An iq of less than 70 is an intellectual disability. There is no awareness or understanding of their disability. They are passive or indifferent to language used about them. Once concept is that they may bypass them when planning as opposed to viewing their participation in the plan development and implementation as crucial. Many feel that they don"t have the capacity to know what is best for their own lives: explain the label of intellectual disability. In canada, the label is often synonymous with the label developmental disability. Another concept is old diagnostic categories that included moron, imbecile, and idiot. Neurological functioning: explain the domain of social interaction for autism.