Computer Science 2211A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Gary Kildall, Copyleft, User Friendly

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An operating system runs directly on hardware and is in charge of managing it. Hides details from software and provides a simple interface. If hardware is changed, the os should handle it - carefully managing hardware resources. Under the operating system context, define the terms kernel and the term shell . When a computer is booted it goes through a sequence of actions to initialize itself. Control is passed off at the end to a program called a kernel. Shell - a special type of program that surrounds the kernel and acts as an interface to the system. Kernel provides memory, process management, input output file management, securt and access control and network access. The shell designates how the kernel is reached, an interface of the kernel. Monolithic - very large program, performs everything by itself (fast, efficient - hard to maintain) Microkernels - much smaller, basic tasks only, call upon a set of other programs called servers.