Classical Studies 2300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Phidias, Praxiteles, Kouros

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Olympia sanctuary of zeus in the archaic period. Cult image of zeus: made by pheidias, creator of the famous athena parthenos on the acropolis. Measured 42 ft. tall, completed in 430-422 bce. Chryselaphantine statue: ivory and gold panels on wooden substructure. Temple of zeus: decorative program east pediment: chariot race of pelops. Both sides of temples represent subverted weddings: lapiths and centaurs/ marriage of hippodameia. Metopes of temple of zeus: labors (athla) of heracles. Achilles, body of hector, sacrificial meat 490 bce. Victor in torch race from panathenaia, 5th century. Amphora dolichos runners 333 bce ^ dolichos ( distance race) War between eleans and dymanes: soldier ran into the games announcing victory. Same story about delphians and phocians (pythian games) Panathenaic torch race, wine jug, late 5th century louvre. The spirit of the marathon - kyriakides and louis boston and marathon. Panathenaic amphora royal ontario museum ^ (foot strike barefoot) Panathenaic amphora royal ontario museum ^ (arm swing)