Classical Studies 2300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hellenic Army, Iliad, Kleos

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The gods and greek athletics the cosmos comes into existence because of completion between the gods over social capital of time. Greek mythic heroe some born from gods and interact with humans power and abilities closer to gods than they are today competition and social status are top priority for the greeks. Homeric poetry a tradition of storytelling originating in the iron age (1200-800 bce) he is said to be a blind poet he is a mythical author. Achilles the best of the best (greeks) son of mortal peleus and goddess thetis originally thetis to marry zeus, but her son to be stronger than the father so married off to peleus. Patroclus achilles best friend went to battle in place of achilles and killed by trojan prince hector. Odysseus another leader of greek army known for deception spent 10 years to get home. Nestor wisest and oldest of the greeks at troy.