Classical Studies 2300 Midterm: Midterm 1 Review

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One question about the source (author, title) 15 questions on key terms, themes, ideas. Anthropomorphism = in the shape of humans. Xenophanes was the first person to have criticism with anthropomorphism. Many different births of gods - which means that there will be competition between gods. Hesiod is the author of the theogony. Author most likely not a historical person, but a persona for an oral poetic tradition. Hesiod was known in antiquity as a later contemporary of. Theogony tells the story of the origin of the gods in the greek universe and tells the story of how zeus comes to be primary ruler of gods and men. Gods come into existence by a biological process like humans, the difference is they cannot die. First, there is simply chaos, the space in which the creation takes place. Then gaia (earth) is formed, along with tartaros (underworld). Gaia will, in turn, produce ouranos (sky), then the mountains and the sea.