Classical Studies 2200 Study Guide - Peisistratos, Clytemnestra, Mount Olympus

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Begins 10 years after the trojan war. Odysseus is trapped with calypso who loves him. Telemachus is helpless to stop suitors of penelope. Athena speaks with telemachus in the form of odysseus"s old friend. Telemachus warns off the suitors while some are defiant. At the assembly it is noted that telemachus is stepping into his fathers. Telemachus gives a speech about the loss of his father and his fathers home (to suitors, sons of ithaca"s elders) Antonius blames penelope for leading them all on, he declares if she cant make a decision, he will choose. Telemachus calls upon the gods to punish the suitors and eagles locked in combat overhead. (symbol of odysseus"s return) Athena visits telemachus again, but disguised as another old friend, mentor. She encourages his journey to pylos and sparta. Athena as telemachus collects men for his crew, and he leaves saying he has god at his side.