Classical Studies 1000 Study Guide - Garum, Dormouse, Cold Food Festival

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One breakfast consisting of bread, not very fancy meal. The wealthy had their own ovens but the poor would take the unbaked bread. Poor cuisine: porridge, beans, discarded parts of the animals (like lips) Rich cuisine: exotic spices, fancy appetizers and desserts, meat (was the most. Meat was often dried to help preserve it or even smoked, could also be packed. Dinnertime: is the socially significant meal of the day. Dinnertime was first around 3 pm, but then later and later. This is because want to get home before the dark from the dinner party they"re at, since there are no streetlights. Roman food: down to the bakery for a little bit of money expensive thing to eat in antiquity) with salt to preserve. Rich sauces covered the rotten meat, rotten because was usually not preserved properly and this also explains the frequency of stomach ailments/diseases in antiquity. Garum/liquamen: immensely popular flavouring shopping or the gathering of food.