Classical Studies 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dicastery, Graphe Paranomon, Athenian Democracy

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Key building bloack of democracy was the people"s courts known as dikasteria (dicasteries) Athenian society was litigious and in the hands of unscrupulous politicians, court cases became tools of factional strive. Trial sof impeachement at athens was used a forum for debate on foreign police. Bc decree propose din the assemble could be challenged by the graphe paranomon (indictment for illegal propiosals), it can be argued that in 4th century athens the dicasteries rather than the ekklasia were the ultimate arbiters of policy. In the absence of supreme court or a body of legal experts, dicasteries were also arbiters of the law. Courts were used as well in the adjudication of private lawsuits and criminal cases with no political ramifications. All male citizens over the age of 30 were eligible to serve on dicasteries and dicasts (jurors) were chosen each year by lot from whose who volunteered.